From skin concerns to hair loss, Shorrbeauty has the beauty treatment answer. Acne, scars, rosacea, stretch marks, fine lines, sun damage and other blemishes plague millions of Americans on a daily basis. For some, the mask mandates have come as a relief because the face coverings hide the scars and hyper-pigmentation they’ve been dealing with all their lives. The blemishes and lines or the thinning of the hair people see in the mirror don’t just impact a person’s physical appearance, either. Unhealthy skin or scalp can take a toll on a person’s emotional and mental health, too. It can be difficult to feel confident when a person is self- conscious about their acne scars or red skin. People with skin conditions often try to hide it with layers of makeup or by simply avoiding the spotlight. Tara Shor, owner and founder of Shorrbeauty, will help you achieve healthier skin and hair.
Tara is a licensed medical aesthetician based in Huntington Beach, and Los Angeles, California. Her practice focuses on ethical skin and scalp care treatments that give people visible results after only a handful of visits. She has been trained by some of the top professionals in the aesthetic industry and is known for her results-driven treatments as well as her caring personality. She is currently working with one of the top doctors in Brentwood, Los Angeles. Dr. Jae Pak at JPMD Medical, who has recognized Tara’s talent and requested to collaborate with her. Her practice currently specializes in Microchanneling Treatments.
What is Microchanneling?
While many people have heard of microchanneling by ProCell Therapies, few understand what it is or how it works to heal the skin. The microchanneling
process creates extremely small perforations in the epidermis, or outermost layer of skin. The small punctures create a channel that allows products to penetrate deeper into the skin, and the microscopic perforations trigger the production of collagen and elastin. A growth factor serum is applied during and right after the treatment to penetrate deep into the skin and to give high concentrations of growth factors. By creating the micro-channels it will boost the penetration of the growth factor serum into the skin by over 300%. The hero ingredient in the growth factor serum is Stem Cytokines obtained from adult human bone marrow stem cell cultures. Stem Cytokines applied to skin mimic the effect of having more stem cells.
The idea of tiny needles puncturing your skin may sound scary, but microchanneling is known for being a noninvasive and pain-free treatment. It only takes a few treatments for skin to become more firm, the texture to smooth out, for scarring and pore size to become minimized, and for the skin tone to become even. People use microchanneling to address a variety of skin problems from acne scars and hyper- pigmentation to stretch marks and fine lines.
It’s important not to get microchanneling mixed up with its near cousin, microneedling. The two treatments are very similar, but microchanneling is a more precise skincare treatment. Microneedling uses a pen or a roller and typically creates a slightly larger and more irregular puncture in the skin. The main drawback of microneedling is that the dragging motion used by
the device has been known to cause mico-tears in the skin. These tears are damaging and can create more skin issues instead of improving them. Microchanneling is less invasive and uses a stamping motion to avoid tearing any delicate tissue. The effectiveness of microchanneling in treating skin conditions has made it the latest beauty craze in recent years.

Scalp Microchanneling
Microchanneling for the scalp increases the longevity of the existing hair to slow down natural hair loss and keep existing hair follicles healthy. Similar to the skin treatment a serum is applied during and immediately after treatment to penetrate deep into the follicle to deliver high concentrations of growth factors. The serum for the scalp contains growth factors derived from stem cells found in human bone marrow. The growth factors for the Hair Serum are the same as those that are naturally present in healthy hair follicles. Tara finishes both treatments with a medical grade LED Red Light Therapy to increase blood flow, reduce inflammation, and boost the nutrients to the follicles and skin.
The Importance of Healthy Skin
Microchanneling is a popular trend right now, but it’s important to get this treatment done by a professional who specializes in this. Everyone’s skin is different and reacts differently to various serums, treatments, and chemicals. A medical aesthetician is an excellent option for scheduling beauty treatments because the clinical experience and dermal knowledge is extensive. In addition to product and treatment knowledge, medical aestheticians can also tell what your skin is lacking. Tara personally likes to emphasize the importance of healthy skin from the inside out. Not only does she encourage her clients to treat the surface of the concerned area, but she also encourages healthy living and wellness awareness to help treat the underlying causes.
If you’re ready to try the microchanneling treatment, or other treatments at Shorrbeauty, then contact Tara Shor at
Tara takes her time with every appointment to not rush the process. Shorrbeauty takes all the necessary precautions to ensure the health and safety of every client during these unusual times. Tara wears a face mask at all times and has plenty of sanitizer in the office. She also takes care to sanitize the treatment space before and after each client to keep everything clean and virus-free. Don’t forget to also follow @shorrbeauty on Instagram for more beauty tips and treatments.
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